Our Constitution and members form the core of the Union. All together we all have the opportunity to move among men / women of great integrity, enthusiasm, capability and respect. Within the framework of various events our caliber of members help to establish connections with people from business, politics and culture.

When it comes to membership, the Origin of birth of a potential member must be Enugu moreover we asisst to creating connection to diffrent groups of intrest if needed. Furthermore we differentiate between fianancial members and non fianancial members. Financial members contibute on a monthly basis and participate in decisions making processes for the Union during our monthly general meetings and non financials members are not comitted to contribute, they donot participating in the decison making process, but are allowed to contribute ideas and though, which we highly regard.

Are you interested in membership? Then contact us (, or visit one of our monthly get-together meetings in (Sternstraße 2) Hamburg every last Sunday of the month - Time: 17:00!

To see our Board of Executives!!